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The internet was a much nicer place when it took an effort to get to Hot Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in AUGUST Shirt it. You weren’t commenting on articles, the discussion was the point. To be sure you saw all the same behaviors, it was more a matter of scale. Groups often had one or two semi-famous trolls, but even the flamewars were often at least vaguely on the subject of the group and it was easy for uninterested parties to just ignore the thread on header fields.Definitely a big difference back then. A lot more control than it is now with web forums. Not to mention some groups had moderators that looked at every message to Hot Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in AUGUST Shirt allow it or not (before it was seen by anyone else). My main takeaway is just how polite and generally nice to each other people were back then. In part, because you didn’t have to deal with a large percent of… well… idiots. You needed a set of skills to go on USENET; this also added to the “for hardcore users only”. These days people get upset when you dare to ask them “have you even googled this?” or “have you read the relevant wiki page?” Everything needs to be spoonfed.

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