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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Official Jeff Goldblum Life Uh Finds A Way Shirt

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Do you still have the bottom one cemented to Official Jeff Goldblum Life Uh Finds A Way Shirt the back of your bottom teeth? They told me I’d have it until the cement wore off, whenever that would be and I still wonder who all had worked on their teeth would still have the bottom retainer lol. Also, it still sucks to eat cold stuff with it. Because, while I do genuinely like Jeff Goldblum as much as the next man, his PR team has been going nuts over the last year or so trying to turn him into an icon. There’s this stylish, jazz-playing, laid-back super charming image around him that wasn’t really there a while ago.I mean it with no disrespect, dude’s trying to Official Jeff Goldblum Life Uh Finds A Way Shirt reinvent himself and I wish him the best. They’re laying it on thick, though, getting him to Nic Cage / Keanu levels of internet worship. Is this great execution tho? I feel like to be great execution, he’d need to be lying across the teeth, shirtless. This is just his face printed...

Love Jack Russell Terrier Happy Independence Day 4th Of July American Flag Shirt

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If I was in your position, I’d tell them if they did get a dog, then they’d have to be responsible for everything. And no matter what never give in. Act like the dog literally didn’t exist. But I think you should stand your ground and be firm. You say they might back down if you really put your foot down about it, so I’d be very vocal about not wanting a dog in the house while you’re still living there. Well, helping my Dad is mostly the reason that they want to Love Jack Russell Terrier Happy Independence Day 4th Of July American Flag Shirt get a dog.But they don’t want to train it to be an “official”/certified service dog. They want a sort of pseudo-service dog, I guess. A pet that will help my Dad as a bonus. That’s why they want a yapper because they think they’re cute and would make a good pet. Neither of them knows all that much about dogs and neither do I tbh. Personally, I think having an excitable, bad-tempered terrier would be a terrible idea, for exactly the reasons you desc...

Hot He Who Does Not Lick The Clit Should Not Get To Hit Shirt

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How can it be both? He’s either rage fucking her daily to show her, “you don’t need to Hot He Who Does Not Lick The Clit Should Not Get To Hit Shirt cheat on me – I’m perfectly capable of satisfying you.” Or, he’s actually excited by the idea of her fucking someone else (which he hasn’t expressed interest in). I’m going with the former. I know, I read it. He likely mistook his perfectly normal reaction (protectiveness) for mere arousal. Has he requested that you have phone sex with someone else again? If he hasn’t yet he’s still fucking you (when you aren’t having phone sex) then that would indicate the above is more likely.I think it’s the original comment rather than him figuring out his unknown cuckold fetish. Yeah, I don’t think it’s about cuckolding. I wish he would talk to me and tell me what he’s thinking. I’m trying to give him space and time to think it all through and talk to me when he’s ready. This is pretty much what happens any time he gets upset. Yeah, I don’t think it’s...

Good Mickey Mouse Back The Blue American Flag Shirt

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Awesome possum. Ok so now the seller usually sends pics with a timestamp (A written note showing the seller’s name with today’s date for proof of ownership). If you’re then satisfied I would just need your email address so I could send you a PayPal invoice. You pay it, and I send it to the address shown on your PayPal. It’s easy really. The ones that don’t specify anything will most likely. I could check individuals next time I’m in. Honestly, if you were to Good Mickey Mouse Back The Blue American Flag Shirt add them up and send me an offer based on that then we could talk business.This comment has been around for more than a month and will no longer be tracked. If you wish to attempt to get trade credit for Good Mickey Mouse Back The Blue American Flag Shirt this swap again, please make a new comment and tag both this bot and your trade partner. Thanks! Do you mind adding pics of Shadow and Quidditch as well? Do you have many more Gamecube games? Also, some of the games look a little...

Funny LGBT Not A Phase Shirt

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I am not a touchy person except with whoever my partner is, but my mom loves hugs. So when she really wants a hug she stands a little bit always and opens up her arms. This gives me time to prep and decide if I can do hug just then, and go in at will. When I’m done with the hug I’ll do a double pat if I want her to let go. It REALLY helped our relationship with her listening to Funny LGBT Not A Phase Shirt my boundaries and as such she gets more hugs (still not as many as she’d like but eh).And your panic attacks are proof of this. If your parents are doing this knowing that you are experiencing panic attacks as a result, then it crosses the line into abuse. Even without the attacks, if you had told me this story in my capacity as a mandated reporter, I would be seeking guidance for appropriate intervention, and alerting CPS would definitely be on that list. You need an adult to Funny LGBT Not A Phase Shirt to help you with this if your parents won’t listen to reason. If you have an ol...

Beautiful Make Orwell Fiction Again Shirt

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I think it started there with laziness and unwillingness to think critically. I was unfortunate enough to be part of a cult when I was younger – the signs are all there. To me, there’s no question. If all they watch is fox news then he wasn’t exactly lying, unfortunately. Never thought they’d be a glimpse of the future. I was hoping for Beautiful Make Orwell Fiction Again Shirt a more utopian future, but here we are, sliding into what every dystopian book and film warned us about. The nice future only comes after a nuclear apocalypse nearly wipes out humanity. I want to live IN the Star Trek future, I don’t want to have to go through their timeline though.Wait till climate change really gets into full swing and the first global shortages start to Beautiful Make Orwell Fiction Again Shirt spread. There goes the veneer and now it’s just brutal suppression remaining with all the shiny tech and turnkey totalitarianism already waiting on that dusty shelf ready to go. Some nations are alread...

Beautiful Horse The X’ray Of My Heart Shirt

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I got patted down when I was pregnant and refused the scanner. They were maternity pants. I broke my back in Beautiful Horse The X’ray Of My Heart Shirt a skiing accident and separated my shoulder, the TSA agent made me take off my back brace and lift my arms above my head on my way home from said accident. Inconsistent. I realized at the last minute that I had my keys (which also had a penknife). The attendant handed me a dog food bowl, I inserted the keys, walked through, and she handed me the bowl.In the UK 0%, we had to look for Beautiful Horse The X’ray Of My Heart Shirt lithium battery packs, lighters, flammable liquids, etc as they were going to oil rigs, bags go through an extremely high radiation scanner that can see every wire in your laptop and its color-coded by type of material detected such as organic, non-organic, metal, plastic and even has an ai system as an extra backup that can highlight suspicious items as well as being checked manually by a human we also swab bags ...

Funny LGBT Pride We’re Here We’re Queer We’re Armed Classic Shirt

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Sometimes the big picture isn’t black and white, but tones of gray. Sometimes you need a lot more information so you can make an educated choice. This is not one of those times. Stop being a pro-fear platform. I hate how promoting an end to racism is so controversial. Racism is just evil, plain, and simple. There should be no compromise and I could give a fucking shit about racists’ freedom of speech rights. Similar to Funny LGBT Pride We’re Here We’re Queer We’re Armed Classic Shirt how freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences.Too many Americans seem to have failed the basic human decency litmus test when it comes to infringing upon the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of others in order to justify being objectively shitty people. The instant speech causes someone else’s freedom, health, or safety to be at risk is when this insane idea of unlimited free speech completely dissolves. Yes. And everyone agrees with this idea, even white supremacists on Reddit. If ...

Great In My Dream World Chocolate Is Classic Shirt

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Dave again does the math and talks about how WWE should have brought Goldberg in for the Invasion angle. Yes, it would have cost them a lot of money and upset the salary structure, but he would have more than made up for it with the kind of buy rates he could have drawn with those dream matches and the Invasion angle might have had a chance. But alas. Picture this, if you will. The 10 man tag that ended the show. WWF is winning. All of the WCW wrestlers lay beaten. The WWF performers appear to Great In My Dream World Chocolate Is Classic Shirt have victory in hand.And then those drums hit and Goldberg appears and spears a bunch of WWF guys. The show goes off the air with a fuck finish, no resolution, the crowd blowing the roof off the building, with fans clamoring for more and to Great In My Dream World Chocolate Is Classic Shirt know what happens next. Will Smith appeared alongside Antonio Inoki at the Japanese movie premiere for the film “Ali” based on Muhammad Ali’s life. The crowd ...

Official Dragon I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Classic Shirt

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The racism piece is strange to Official Dragon I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Classic Shirt me. I can confirm what OP talks about as I have heard and seen it first hand, but the racism I have not. He polished my holster training. It was a slow day it was just my buddy and me in the range. I don’t even know what brought it up but he said something along the lines of “we’ve been getting a lot more traffic from the Allentown people and you should see the way they shoot”. After looking over his shoulder quick he did this like slouched, holding the gun sideways, mimic of who he was talking about.It was really awkward. He’s the range officer so he doesn’t look at IDs when checking people in. So for official Dragon, I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Classic Shirt him to assume they are “Allentown people” is a red flag. I guess because he recognized us he felt more comfortable saying whatever he wanted. I agree, there is no place for conspiracy theories. Especially in a time of cr...

Sweet In My Dream World Weed Is Classic Shirt

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I was literally watching screens that weren’t there. And to this day remember the strange images I saw. I think some countries have legal incentives that make this happen. Like, no jail under 5 pills (Czech have something like that). Then dealers want to Sweet In My Dream World Weed Is Classic Shirt stay out of jail, so they make pills that have 200-300mg per pill. I always thought it was because the Dutch police “allows” people to have one or two pills on them. They will take it away from the user but they probably won’t get arreIt was like an exploration of the darkest parts of my mind. I’ve found using stimulants on psychs not too bad, definitely wouldn’t trip on the arse end of a 3-day stim binge, but it’s pretty enjoyable if they’re taken side by side. In my anecdotal experience, it has made the hallucinations last longer because you have the focus to Sweet In My Dream World Weed Is Classic Shirt keep them in existence and really have a good look. Not as good on mushrooms as acid,...

Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In May Moon Shirt

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It’s either having full monologues mid-battle a la Spider-Man or Deadpool, or shouting out your attack names like a total dumbass. Well, the post was claiming Tony Masters to be suffering a side effect where he forgets what his real identity is, and I interpreted all the references as him actually thinking they were his experiences when they were really the experiences of the people he was adapting to Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In May Moon Shirt.I’m skeptical about the leak. It sounds somewhat overblown. I suppose that the writer of this supposed leak made up some stuff in mixing some lore from comics. the rumors I kept seeing here in this Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In May Moon Shirt sub specifically always said Charlie Cox would be DD in the MCU soon. Either via Spider-Man 3 or one of the other Phase 4 films. I’m not saying they’re correct, but that is the only actor I keep seeing mentioned. Buy it:  Hot...

Love Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In March Moon Shirt

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I’m sorry to hear about your dogs. Stay strong. And I love that Dave’s “slow news weeks” are some of your longest and most interesting contributions to Love Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In March Moon Shirt the forum. Thanks again. In my opinion, all wrestlers should always say that about all other combat sports. It’s smart, funny, and self-aware. And it’s usually a good idea to follow Page’s example; that guy seems like he’s pretty smart. Yeah, I could definitely see Triple H’s comments being in humor, but the guy taking them seriously and then passing it along.Separately, Kurt Angle is a beast. Oh this NJPW shit gets very interesting. Pretty sure Chousu and Fujinami are gone by the end of the year and Inoki’s running of One of the dumbest choices he made is coming very soon. Why was everybody so idiotic in not understand just how insane Angle was? Being a college pro is nearly impossible to Love Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was ...

Vip Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In June Moon Shirt

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This write up is an incredible man. I appreciate your taking the time to get into it in detail. Also, Just gonna take a moment to Vip Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Motorcycle Who Was Born In June Moon Shirt say how underrated Tiny Grem was. Nice to see his name pop up in this, if only briefly. I always assumed he was early SN1 jus because of age/affiliation/who he was on tracks with, but I could easily be wrong. That track is dope. Honestly not sure if I’ve heard a track or feature from him I didn’t like. His back-to-back verses on Kyze’s ‘Heavyweight’ off Today’s My Deadline were nuts. Hoping he’s off somewhere lowkey chilling rather than birded off or dead.As always, top quality from Keezy, you can tell effort has been put in, learned some new shit about Peckham, and to a lesser extent Deptford man. I get that the news report says he lived at North Peckham estate but if he went to the Peckham library or feminist library he’s still taking 3 turns away from his estate so he eit...

Top Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt

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I loved every bit of this, I love deal-making demons and devil stories like these. An endless cycle. I liked that a lot! The Satan character was just veiled enough for me to Top Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt not be super shocked by the reveal but still surprised. And the concept is cool! Spooky too. Thanks, that means a lot. Writing has always been something I enjoy but rarely think of anything worth writing about.Somehow I had hoped this was a series with next ones being “the jobs” op have to do for Mr. Morningstar, the devil himself. Be a good friend and good wishes to Top Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt you. Sorry, but nothing good ever comes from a deal with the devil. You might get 60 years of a perfect life, but now that he has your soul I have a feeling that you’ll spend all of the eternity regretting this. Buy it:  Top Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived ...

Perfect Music Is Life That’s Why Our Hearts Have Beats Shirt

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This morning I saw a video of an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing passing through a crowd of protestors. Now allegedly the police line refused to move for it, which to me seems to set an incredibly dangerous precedent. Can you tell me if this depiction of the incident is accurate, and if so, why the police officers involved would choose to Perfect Music Is Life That’s Why Our Hearts Have Beats Shirt make that decision? That was absolutely horrifying.There have been so many videos of police brutality captured on video this week, but not letting an ambulance through is coldly, passively murderous. I would appreciate it if OP could respond to this question. True though. What I ended up reading was a guy that I think intends well but has fully bought into the broken system of modern policing. I don’t think he’s actively evil but fails to Perfect Music Is Life That’s Why Our Hearts Have Beats Shirt understand that perception is reality. Buy it:  Perfect Music Is Life That’s Wh...

Vip I’d Rather Be Watching Crime Shows Shirt

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Did you really believe that I would allow an Omega Jumper to walk around this ship without giving you a chance to challenge him appropriately? Did you think I would allow Marshall Winters’ son to go uncontested forever? Of course not! All you needed to do was show a modicum of patience. Instead, you cornered a mass killer and laid your hands on his wife. It is nice to see that someone still tries to show there are only infinite shades of gray in times when most of society tries to Vip I’d Rather Be Watching Crime Shows Shirt see only black or white.Plus I wouldn’t expect an admiral from a completely separate branch to bend over backward toVip I’d Rather Be Watching Crime Shows Shirt exact revenge for our protagonist. Also, I’m curious if you have plans for Velcro patches in the future cause I’d love an omega patch and the back of that jacket would make an awesome patch. Overall excellent world-building. So, after the 3rd re-read, I got a question. isn’t Rex’s punishment .. “light”? You...

Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in February Shirt

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There’s something else in here, though. (Who should it be? Sansa or Arya? Or will it go through the female line, with Jon as a father? How do you tell the sex of a dragon. The dragons are not only necessary for conquering the Seven Kingdoms. The dragons are, however, of the utmost importance for Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in February Shirt holding off the Others when winter finally does set in. I see this as the time when Jon could possibly find his link with Dany. He will be “Lord of the Wall” or whatever by then and must see the need for heat to defeat cold. Even if he does not somehow summon the help of Dany.I suppose that dragons and Others are mortal enemies. One problem would remain: now that Ned’s dead, who keeps the secret of Jon’s heritage? I’ve always thought that Jon’s fear of “lowly blood” was unfounded and that Eddard’s supposed liaison was with someone of unbelievable nobility. The Targaryen mold does not fit, though. One other person besi...

Pro Rowdy Hand Co Make America Rowdy Again Shirt

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People can debate who was the better the in-ring performer, but on the stick & character popularity, DDP was hotter. At the time, Biker Taker was rapidly boring the hell out of crowds and I think Taker got a little irrationality scared re position security. Now Vince held all the cards, Taker’s alleged position security for Pro Rowdy Hand Co Make America Rowdy Again Shirt his ongoing loyalty started looking a little thin. He tagged people as not being able to work (DDP/Mike Awesome) when it was he who may not have been able to keep up.Hindsight says Taker never needed to Pro Rowdy Hand Co Make America Rowdy Again Shirt fear job loss; but older age, a gimmick going stale at warp speed & mixed with an influx of new, young talent will make a rational mind buckle. Vince is Vince, he’s a businessman. Vince will protect the company first. There are no sacred cows. He fucked Bret after decade-plus of service. He dropped Hogan after the racist thing. Wasn’t there also a story of him ru...

Official Never Underestimate A Woman Who Is Also A Nurse And Was Born In January Shirt

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I don’t think this is very likely. If I recall correctly, Lyanna was in Rheagar’s clutches for at least a year probably more like two. Further, there are references that Rhaegar repeatedly raped Lyanna. Finally, if Jon is the ‘true’ heir to the Crown (why is it in fantasy it’s always the bastard who is the secret prince?) then he has to Official Never Underestimate A Woman Who Is Also A Nurse And Was Born In January Shirt be Rhaegar’s son. Robert had no legitimate claim, which is why he’s called the Usurper. The legitimate claim rests with either Dany (who has or soon will have, an army of barbarian Mongol/Hun types and, more importantly, three dragons to back it up) or Jon (assuming he’s Rhaegar’s son). If Dany wins the battles for the Seven Kingdoms, a very good bet considering her dragons.She cannot restore the Targaryen dynasty. She’s incapable of having children anymore. Restoring the dynasty will take Jon (as either Dany’s heir or as her husband in one of those Targarian multiple...

Love Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in JUNE Shirt

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Oh man, my Mom’s been reading the series since it came out. She doesn’t go on forums or anything, and she definitely doesn’t use Reddit. We batted this one around for a while some months ago. It’s unlikely that Dany & Jon are sibs because (as far as we know) they were born much less than a year apart…and wouldn’t someone have noticed if the Queen had been pregnant? By Ned Stark? My favorite pet theory is that Jon is really the child of Lyanna & Rhaegar. Ned claimed him as his son (or let everyone assume that he was doing so) in order to Love Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in JUNE Shirt save the kid’s life.Not to spoil this for you, but they come right out and tell you in the third chapter. To Love Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in JUNE Shirt quote from (paperback) “Ned would not speak of the mother, but a castle has no secrets…(blah blah blah)…the Lady Ashara Dayne, tall and fair, with haunting violet eyes.” Then Ned procedures ...

Hot Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in AUGUST Shirt

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The internet was a much nicer place when it took an effort to get to Hot Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in AUGUST Shirt it. You weren’t commenting on articles, the discussion was the point. To be sure you saw all the same behaviors, it was more a matter of scale. Groups often had one or two semi-famous trolls, but even the flamewars were often at least vaguely on the subject of the group and it was easy for uninterested parties to just ignore the thread on header fields.Definitely a big difference back then. A lot more control than it is now with web forums. Not to mention some groups had moderators that looked at every message to Hot Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in AUGUST Shirt allow it or not (before it was seen by anyone else). My main takeaway is just how polite and generally nice to each other people were back then. In part, because you didn’t have to deal with a large percent of… well… idiots. You needed a set of skills to go on...

Great Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in February Shirt

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Back then the internet was new and exciting and special. You could talk to people around the globe about any topic you desired. If you were (a) on the internet in the first place, reaching out to talk with strangers, and (b) intensely interested in a certain topic like AGOT, then you felt a shared kinship with people who were doing the same thing. Thus you were polite and friendly because you were happy to Great Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in February Shirt be there and you were happy that they were there too.Now interactions with strangers are so commonplace that they don’t feel special anymore. We don’t worry about alienating people because these connections are so cheap. It’s kind of like flying. Back when it was new, it was a special event. Now you put on sweats and hope you don’t have to Great Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in February Buy it:  Great Top Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in Febr...

Good Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in JULY Shirt

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Robb wasn’t in love. He met and married Jeyne within 24 hours. And him being noble didn’t stop him from attacking the Crag for no other reason than to destroy the West as much as possible so that Tywin would have to confront him to stop him from destroying his kingdom. It didn’t really make any sense that Robb married Jeyne because he felt bad about her honor.  GRRM made it happen because he needed Robb to Good Never underestimate a woman who loves cats and was born in JULY Shirt screw up, not because it really made sense. He was in the midst of the sacking of the West. Of course, he’d fuck Lord Westerling’s daughter and then just leave.Well considering he grew up with a Bastard Brother, who was supposedly fathered on Campaign. Whom h is mother treated like crap. It would make pretty good sense if he didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of the dishonorable thing Ned Stark has to his name. In hindsight we know that’s the right choice and I agree it was an objectively bad call. But...

Beautiful Save the American Rancher Shirt

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I agree it is a highly leveraged and illiquid investment but something you didn’t mention (maybe I missed it) – mortgages can’t get margin called. So if you are in negative equity or your equity goes below X%, the bank doesn’t repossess your property as long as you keep up payments. If someone tried to build a diversified portfolio with 5-20x leverage, you’d very likely lose it all due to Beautiful Save the American Rancher Shirt volatility. Even though I could afford to buy my home fivefold, I would never buy it outright. In fact, I purposely remortgage during times like these to release equity at a low fixed interest.Also, it is not possible for you as a small shareholder to Beautiful Save the American Rancher Shirt really affects the companies you own. But as a real estate owner, you can increase the value of your property with extensions/loft conversions. That’s a really good point about the lack of margin concerns and something I should have called out explicitly. However, your se...

Vip SpongeBob LGBT always follow your heart shirt

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A lot of people hate how violence has always played in the Last of Us. It has been brutal, and unblemished. People will look over all the violence in the first one because it supported them, it showed that violence through the eyes of Joel. It disgusts them, it provokes them, it makes them angry to Vip SpongeBob LGBT always follow your heart shirt see violence used for selfish reasons. But so did Joel. And Ellie recognized this. And people don’t like that. The bad part was that most of this took place through cinematics, which made you less removed from the violence in the first. Think about it, the first has some brutal ways of killing people. Blowing their face-off with shotguns, beating their heads in.I’m not sure why there is a section of the audience that thinks the message is violence/revenge is bad. The theme is more on how far would you go to avenge someone who murdered someone you loved, at what cost, and the repercussions that followed. The whole point about TLOU2 is that vio...

Top Damn Right I Am A Chiefs Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt

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I know this sub loves to shit on the Bills because of the QB. But he showed flashes and improvement last year. He is never going to have a high comp % and that’s ok. Don’t need one to be a good QB. The Bills absolutely nailed the draft. Got so many impact players especially at positions of need. My prediction for Top Damn Right I Am A Chiefs Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt the Bills is a 2nd place AFCE finish with an 8-8 record. If things go really well for the 10 wins isn’t completely out of the question.The big thing this year is how much more talented we seem. While maybe a little hyperbolic did have some truth to it. I mean how many other teams had two UFDAs become starters as the season went on? This year I think we’ve really built up the roster from the middle. Even if we’re only an average team from a talent perspective, I’m really excited to see what we can to Top Damn Right I Am A Chiefs Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt with solid coaching and a few of our young pieces developi...

Sweet Sam And Dean Winchester Oh My Pudding Supernatural Shirt

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Hey! Sorry but have to delete my previous post (forgot to add the reference to my portrait attempt). I need at least 5 seasons more! It would be epic if Supernatural reach 20 seasons and not end in this one T.T. Any advice you can give me to improve my art skills would be much appreciated. Thank you. Hii! I like this as your first attempt. I would recommend practicing more with values, like in greyscale, paying attention to shadowing Also pick apart different features on a face and practice them individually! It will be interesting to Sweet Sam And Dean Winchester Oh My Pudding Supernatural Shirt see how you progress.Hi! Yeah, it’s so hard to work correctly with values. I’m a noob in color theory too with makes it even more difficult xD! Features you mean for example… hmm… to choose nose then draw a lot of noses from different points and angles? then do the same with every aspect of the face? Sorry English is not my main language. I want to thank you for spending some of your time to s...

Pro Damn Right I Am A Bears Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt

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I love this. Focus on playing error-free football and it almost guaranteed the other guy will shoot themselves in the foot at some point. Give me a topic. I’m going to go into a coma soon, then start over this evening. I might do the Urban Meyer thing, but that’s just going to Pro Damn Right I Am A Bears Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt be a Taylor Swift song where I hate them but still love them. Is Michigan State secretly the greatest program of all time and we’ve never known? Was the 2008 Heisman Trophy ceremony the biggest fucking snub job in history? Is the greatest college quarterback actually Vince Young, or is it actually Charlie Ward and do I hate myself for typing that?I don’t really look at it as not counting that part of Saban’s career. It’s about giving the stats context. Saban on the other hand moved around to a couple of spots and had to Pro Damn Right I Am A Bears Rugby Fan Now And Forever Shirt build up those programs, something Osborne never had to do. It’s a major acc...

Pretty The Beach Where Doing Absolutely Nothing Is Doing Something Vintage Shirt

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I have a very extensive Plex library set up. A powerful and uplifting story about a math teacher in East Los Angeles who motivates delinquent students into learning advanced mathematics, applying for college, and taking the Advanced Placement exams. Starring Edward James Olmos. Based on actual events and real people. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) was shot in the Sierra Madre, not overtly LA though. Thanks for Pretty The Beach Where Doing Absolutely Nothing Is Doing Something Vintage Shirt dropping Memento in there among many others! As a Valley kid (and now Valley adult?), I love seeing this with great cinema.Ask the Dust. A mediocre movie based on a much better book, but it’s neat to see what the city would have looked like during the Depression. Sadly so much of historic LA has been destroyed since then they had to Pretty The Beach Where Doing Absolutely Nothing Is Doing Something Vintage Shirt film it on sound stages in South Africa. I know the Office takes pace in Scantron ...

Perfect All Rise Aaron Judge Broke The Yankee Record Shirt

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I can’t think of any other trade-in sports history that was as “win-win” as that trade. For Perfect All Rise Aaron Judge Broke The Yankee Record Shirt all the criticism Yankees fans get, I respect that they do not tolerate mediocrity. We are a fucking BRUTAL fan base. If you talk shit or sign big you better put it up. People have said shit like, “NYC is the best place when you are doing well and the worst when you are slumping”. And one of the others is, you have to own up to doing poorly, you run and hide and the media will devour you.God they absolutely are. As badly as I’d like to shit on Yankees fans, the Mets fans who call into NY Sports radio are fucking delusional. Every trade proposal is “ay how bout we offer Chris Flexen and Tomas Nido for Mookie Betts? That probably gets it done right?” or “Na I wouldn’t give up Brandon Nimmo for Perfect All Rise Aaron Judge Broke The Yankee Record Shirt Mike Trout, he’s younger!” I mean that’s a bit exaggerated but closer to the truth than p...

Official The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt

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I am one of those people who defend Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X. Jason Goes to Official The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt Hell is a ton of fun with all the bizarre mystical stuff. It’s b-movie schlock but I find it pretty charming. Jason X is definitely not a good movie, but I enjoy the cornball antics more than OP for some reason. Still, well write up Blueiguana1976. I’m right there with you in defending JGTH. They made some baffling decisions for that one, but it is so incredibly entertaining because of those psychotic choices. As you said, it is charming in its own way and I just don’t understand the hate it gets.As for Jason X, I saw it by myself in the theater when it came out. And when I say I was by myself, I don’t mean I went to the theater alone, I mean I was literally the only person in the theater. It was the greatest cinematic experience of my life. I saw Jason X in a huge movie theatre. There were only six of us there in total. A group of...

Nice Cat Alien Abduction I Want To Believe UFO Area 51 shirt

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WHAT! Mate, you gave ME gold!? Holy shit, I doubt there’s a more charitable person on Reddit, first you make this post that, even if you had all the links ready to go, still took a heap of time to make the thread, then you give ME gold when I say I have none to give to you? That is some next-level good guy stuff. Man, you’re honestly a legend, thanks for the thread, thanks for the gold and thanks for Nice Cat Alien Abduction I Want To Believe UFO Area 51 shirt being such an awesome woman. Anyway, looks like we’re both on the Goldy.Gotta be good to your neighbors, hey, who knows when I’m gonna need to Nice Cat Alien Abduction I Want To Believe UFO Area 51 shirt borrow a cup of sugar or an egg or something. Jumping in to thank you for the gold you gave me too! I’ve never gotten gold before. I’ve been having a really shitty week and you just cheered me up so much. Thank you. It has all the haunted locations in Aus I could find. It would be awesome if you knew of more that I’ve missed! Hol...

Love, I’m A Dog And Beer Kind Of Girl Vintage Shirt

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This was such a friendly reminder that debt, overspending, over shopping and overeating, are often symptoms of a bigger mental health issue. I hate the people that preach people in debt or with eating issues are lazy/stupid/need to Love, I’m A Dog And Beer Kind Of Girl Vintage Shirt pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It’s hard to have a good relationship with money/food when you don’t have a good relationship with yourself. & it’s easier for outsiders to see the consequences of our actions without seeing the battles we’ve gone through. I’m so glad you shared OP & all the debt shamers with no empathy can suck it.No judgments. I made stupid money choices in my 20’s too. No one taught me what not to do. I applaud you for going to therapy and making the choice to Love, I’m A Dog And Beer Kind Of Girl Vintage Shirt change your patterns. Also seriously, you’re brave for sharing it here. Keep working on it. You’ll get it worked out. It gave me a rush like a drug. now I just work ...

Hot Goat Eat The Rich Feed The Poor Shirt

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That’s how you get America to build a wall for you. I’m thinking of moving to Costa Rica. Not because I’ll persist longer, indeed, I’ll probably die sooner. I live in the mountains of western Colorado and there is freshwater coming from the mountains still. We’ve already got our first snowfall in the higher elevation. Water in the mountains is not nearly as hard to Hot Goat Eat The Rich Feed The Poor Shirt comes by as just about anywhere else. Having grown up in the mountains of western Colorado, it’s pretty good except for. food production. Pretty hard, that. Ask the Southern Utes. The entire culture was 110% boom/collapse regarding crop failures and animal scarcities.Very well thought out and informative post. With a likely population reduction to Hot Goat Eat The Rich Feed The Poor Shirt under 1/10th of the current level by 2100, it seems like luck will play a huge part as well in any individual person’s life. Personally I am not that interested in my own “survival”. If I live to 50...

Great Ain’t Jemima Artificial Coloring Shirt

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I feel like nobody cared before because, to Great Ain’t Jemima Artificial Coloring Shirt be honest, Aunt Jemima isn’t too terribly racist. She’s just a black lady. Yeah but that’s like having a Holocaust victim by the icon of a brand of salt in Germany. The reason people didn’t care about is that they didn’t know and that’s a problem. I don’t remember ever hearing that people of color were offended by her, so I’m a little surprised, but if it’s true that they found it very repulsive and offensive, then sure, change it. I think there’s a lack of education about racism in school they just brush it up.So that’s probably the reason why. For the longest time, I thought she was the owner. Technically it’s artificial maple-flavored diluted corn syrup plus some artificial colors and preservatives. A real legacy there. Sort of like getting Paw Patrol pulled off the air. The US has become a nation of nitwits trying to straighten the rest of us out. This will do absolutely nothing to Great Ain’t ...

Good Mama’s Boobery Always On Tap Vintage Shirt

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I had a manager like this once. They didn’t. I was going to do that if my boss wouldn’t agree on leaving early. The boss was a pretty cool guy and I considered him almost a friend so I didn’t want to report the company for Good Mama’s Boobery Always On Tap Vintage Shirt mobbing unless I had to. I can imagine how you felt getting out of that toxic environment. I was having anxiety attacks because of mine and after I left I felt like a free elf. In the UK you can walk out and sue for Constructive Dismissal if an employer has been treating you badly, not acting in good faith, not trying to resolve issues, etc.A key part of it is that you must NOT have another job lined up, as that shows predetermination. You literally have to Good Mama’s Boobery Always On Tap Vintage Shirt have reached a breaking point and finally snap and walk out. I did it years ago when another company took over the place I worked and tried to gradually demote me. Just to add also that (again in the UK) resigning willi...

Funny Yep I Talk To Chickens Vintage Shirt

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I think you did well by hiring her. While you can learn things from background checks and interviews, there’s nothing like seeing people hands-on and I think she’ll be a good fit for Funny Yep I Talk To Chickens Vintage Shirt, you guys. Please keep posting and be careful!!!! Hopefully, the crow will like her. Thanks very much, that makes me feel a little better about my decision!! I’ll let y’all know how the Crow feels about her. At the very least I think he should respect her confidence.I know this is a weird detail to be fixated on, but the strangely patterned horse. It didn’t happen to have stripes did it? Thank you so much! I’m thinking of discussing Herman the bug and Jan the janitor unless something crazy happens in the interim, but I’m open to Funny Yep I Talk To Chickens Vintage Shirt requests if there’s something you’re interested in. I love hearing about all the cursed stuff. Give us more, please. Love the detail in your stories. Almost like I could see it all. Buy it: ...

Beautiful Steely Brown Shirt

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After seeing how incredibly detailed Shadow Tactics was, I had no doubt this would be even better. Looks like it is! I could not beat the last level of Shadow Tactics though… I should go back and try again before I get this one. Thanks so much for Beautiful Steely Brown Shirt making this! The game is fantastic and hopes it doesn’t get lost in the current gaming news cycle. Well worth checking out. Its controls feel smooth(gamepad, strangely enough, feels better), its difficulty is improved, the way the levels span out around you is impressive and the music is godly. If I could change a couple of things it would be.The first game I preordered ever. I wrote in another thread that it’s the rare event of wanting to support the publisher, the developer, and the genre. This led me to break my usual way of not buying games full price and never preorder. It’s the lack of camera innit? I can’t wrap my head around not having it. Glad this is reviewing well. Shadow Tactics was a gem and a real su...

Awesome Peace Love Dwight Shirt

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Wow. It’s amazing that they were able to have that reunion just before he passed. It’s so often that the appreciation for a fallen friend comes after it’s too late for them to Awesome Peace Love Dwight Shirt feel the love that surrounds them. Damn what a read. about to be cutting onions here at my work desk. seemed like such a great guy Dwight. RIP to a legend. on a side note from that article, DeBartolo seems like one of the all-time best owners out there. really did care for his players.this article deserves its own post. I just wanted to stop by and pay my condolences. RIP Dwight, thanks for the amazing memories. The first jersey I ever had? My father’s Dwight Clark jersey. Of course, it was too big to Awesome Peace Love Dwight Shirt fit me, but he got it signed the day that Clark made “The Catch.” I’m going to go hang that jersey up on my wall now. Great guy and one of the most underrated players to ever wear red and gold. R.I.P to number 87, you will be missed. Buy it:  Awesom...